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Malcolm Turnbull - Australia's PMs - Australia's Prime Ministers

Home > Australia's PMs > Malcolm Turnbull Malcolm Turnbull On 15 September 2015, Malcolm Bligh Turnbull became Australia's 29th Prime Minister.In early 2007, Turnbull was appointed Minister for the Environment and Water, a position he held until the federal election in November 2007. In December of that year he was appointed Shadow Treasurer, and in September 2008 was elected Leader of the Opposition until December 2009. From September 2013 to September 2015 he was Minister for Communications.He was elected Leader of the Liberal Party and Prime Minister-designate on 14 September 2015, and the following day was sworn in as Prime Minister of Australia by Governor-General Sir Peter Cosgrove.Turnbull is the federal member for Wentworth, and was first elected to Parliament on 9 October 2004. Malcolm Turnbull, 2015 Back to top


National Archives of Australia Prime ministers' records

